Louis W. Roy, Sr. Council of Deliberation

Welcome to Louis W. Roy, Sr. COD
COD 2022
Steadfast, Set Solid,
In the pursuit of more Light

Serving at a moment's notice.


Order of the Golden Circle,
Auxiliary of the United Supreme Council

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Orient of DC Capping Ceremony

A momentous occasion as our Orient recognized and capped our newest Sublime Princes of the Royal Secret, 32°.

Scottish Rite Masons Commemorating the USC Southern Jurisdiction Charter Date

Video of the Wreath Laying Ceremony at 38⁰ 53′ 38.17″ North Latitude honoring the initial Charter date of January 27, 1887.

Scottish Rite Masons Visit the Tomb of the
Unknown Soldier

We are proud to have participated in conjunction with the United Supreme Council, 33°, AASR, PHA, Southern Jurisdiction’s Wreath Laying Service at Arlington National Cemetary’s Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.

Scottish Rite Sign a Statement of Unity

Watch this historic moment from the House of the Temple in Washington DC, on September 7th, 2022, as the Grand Commanders of four Scottish Rite Jurisdictions in the United States sign a Statement of Unity.

S.G.I.G. Eric Konohia, 33°
Most Ill. Commander-in-Chief
Deputy for the Orient of the
District of Columbia

Aloha Mai Kakou (Welcome all)

I want to personally welcome you to the Louis W. Roy, Sr., Council of Deliberation website. I hope and pray that you and your families remain safe and healthy as we begin to transition into our new normal. This is certainly not the time to relax on our safety and the safety of others. Moreover, it certainly is not the time to stop asking the Almighty to protect us and grant us Wisdom and Understanding.

This website should serve as your central location where you can learn more about the Prince Hall Affiliation of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry in the District of Columbia – The Birthplace of the Southern Jurisdiction.

We encourage you to continue visiting our website and thank you for your interest in Scottish Rite Masonry.

(Steadfast, set solid, immovable)

Louis W. Roy Sr. Council Of Deliberation 2025 Registration

Use the following link to register for the 2025 LWRSR Council Of Deliberation or scan the QR Code.


The Scottish Rite Bodies and Auxiliaries Prince Hall Affiliation in the Orient of DC are under the obedience and auspices of the United Supreme Council 33º, Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, Prince Hall Affiliation, Southern Jurisdiction of the United States of America, Inc, since 1886., headquartered in Memphis, TN where Illustrious SGIG Corey D. Hawkins, Sr., Esq., 33º, Sovereign Grand Commander, presides.

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