Louis W. Roy, Sr. Council of Deliberation

Matthew Ellis, Jr.
State Grand Assembly
Order of the Golden Circle

SGLLR Shelly L. Walker, Ph.D


PSGLLR Barbara E. Murray

State Grand Loyal Lady Associate Ruler

PLLR Sharon Cain

State Grand Loyal Lady Priestess

PLLR Hilda Bellamy

State Grand Loyal Lady Guide

PSGLLR Nancy B. H. Overby

State Grand Loyal Lady Treasurer

PLLR Carolyn Hunter

State Grand Loyal Lady Secretary


PLLR Regina T. Bolden-Woodard

State Grand Loyal Lady Herald

PLLR Annie M. Williams

State Grand Loyal Lady Standard Bearer

PLLR Kathy Jackson

State Grand Loyal Lady Inner Guard

PLLR Angela B. Tyson

State Grand Loyal Lady Outer Guard

PLLR Robin Belton

State Grand Loyal Lady Lecturer

PLLR Dorothy J. Reese

State Grand Loyal Lady Recording Secretary

E. Milla Jordan / Cecelia Branch

State Grand Loyal Lady Marshal

PSGLLR Elizabeth L. Howard

State Grand Loyal Lady Historian

SGLL Advisors

PSGLLR Venecia C. Bessellieu, Ph.D.

SGLL Advisor

PSGLLR Barbara Wells

SGLL Advisor

PSGLLR Lolita Vowels-Moore

SGLL Advisor

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